What makes Robomigo unique?

Robomigo Device

User-friendly design

Robomigo is high tech, user friendly, easy on your wallet, and can handle complex systems including KNX devices.

Cost advantage of smart home systems

No cables, no remote controls! No costs for extra equipment!

Also, thanks to the cost advantage it offers, Robomigo got the investment budget required for the new buildings closer to the standard building budgets.

Manage everything from a single panel

If you run a hotel or factory, use Robomigo’s single-screen central panel to manage all your of KNX devices.

Why pay for extra touchscreen management apps when Robomigo offers everything all in one?

Robomigo smart building systems:

·    Work with any accessory from any brand

·    Work from any operation system

·    Automatically adapt to every interface

·    Have a user-friendly design

·    Are budget-friendly-no need for extra equipment

·   Can run your home, building, and more from a single platform

What makes Robomigo unique?